Do models have to pay for modeling agencies?
Yes and no. Here's the realities of becoming a model and what to expect.

In a world where there seems to be so many differences, one thing that most share in common is the desire to be famous. The first step for those seeking a path to become a model is by applying to every modeling agency you find online. They’re the gatekeepers to success, right? Wrong.
Since 1980 the modeling industry has changed significantly over 30 years. The idea that you need a modeling agent or that a modeling agency is free is extremely outdated. Truth is, all modeling agencies charge a fee of some sort.
But “if modeling agency is asking for money upfront, it’s a not legit” right? Wrong.
While your mom, brother or cousin might tell you otherwise, those that have actually been a successful model and signed with the a modeling agency will tell you there are numerous fees that come along with being signed. What the confusing part is is whether or not those fees are in advancement towards the models career or upfront by the model.
Some modeling agencies will take on a model as an exclusive client, meaning that they’re signing a model exclusively for a long term. Typically, major modeling agencies like Wilhelmina or IMG models will sign an exclusive talent for 3 years. During the time of signing the model, they may advance certain cost such as web fees that the model will then pay back after their first booking on top of taking a 20% commission.
For the other 95% of models that are not exclusively signed, those fees are typically paid upfront by the model.
That’s not to say that all fees are legit. Typical fees for modeling agencies, especially in New York include annual web fees, basic photo shoots, and any travel expenses that are typically covered by models. No model should ever pay a ton of money for pictures, since you need more than one shoot for a real portfolio.
It’s important to remember that if you are serious about starting a career, especially in modeling, that you invest in your craft at the start. The idea that a modeling agency is going to invest in you simply because you want to become a model is not only asinine, it’s incorrect and outdated.
Unless you have a career to manage as a model, don’t expect a modeling agency to put in all the work. Developing yourself whether that’s true classes, test shoots or even acting school comes out of the models pocket. Before applying to any modeling agency or scout, research the company and read reviews to ensure they are what you are seeking. Always use caution and both verify castings and clients!