Spotting Bad Casting Calls
The "Famous Photography Casting Call" has gained popularity in the past years. They are hard to spot since use they name of actual photographer and/or brand. Below are email examples from a fake casting calls.

Rule of Thumb: No real casting will ever send you a check before a doing an actual booking. Never pay a fee or deposit for a casting job.
– Never accept advanced payments and paying a representative back a portion of the money received. – Never wire money through any other wire service. – Do NOT accept a cashier's check or a check sent or given to you as payment for a job or role you did not complete in person. FAKE CASHIER CHECKS & MONEY ORDERS ARE COMMON, and your bank will cash these checks and then hold you responsible when the check is discovered days later. NEVER accept a prepayment for a project not completed in person.
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Example of Fake Casting:
Fake Casting Example #2
"How's your day going ......I have been instructed by the account officer to inform you that for some reasons(Logistics issues etc), We’ve decided that a picture of the payment check for your upfront/booking fee() and extra funds for your wardrobe will be sent to your email today. You are to follow all instructions as detailed below immediately you receive the payment check in your email today.
* Have the payment check printed out on a white paper
* cut out the edges of the front and back of the payment check.
* Endorse the back of the check with your signature and write "For deposit only.
* Deposit the payment check through your bank app on your mobile phone(Mobile deposit) and have the receipt/evidence of deposit sent to our email so that we can instruct the issuing bank to release funds immediately to execute its purpose.
It is important that you have the check deposited as soon as you receive it so as to ensure the funds are made available under 24hrs to execute its purpose because we have very limited time before the shoot for the delivery of your wardrobe. All contracts/paper works are backed up by power of attorney and it is important you follow up my instructions strictly.
When the funds are available I will send you further instructions on how to send the funds meant for your wardrobe to the fashion stylist without delay. Please send me a reply note confirming that you receive this email and understand the content of it. I will be waiting to read from you
Thank you for the patience and understanding"
Fake Casting Example #2:
We got your personal information as required by the company and it will be profiled and updated so you are welcome aboard to BRAND NAME Photography, We urge you to be patient as we reveal to you every document containing the contract and some other vital documents. Your part-payment check will come first so as to prompt model/actor’s hard work and commitment to this project, this will be delivered via a courier service to your provided home or office address so be aware as we keep you updated daily and make sure you crosscheck the address you provided us with from your last email and confirm if it is correct. Your clothing/wardrobe will be shipped to you by a fashion stylist after we pass all requests for your wardrobe to them. Your measurement and payment for your wardrobe shall be forwarded to the stylist after you must have received payment from us, reason being that the payment has to be made or billed to your name to ensure a tallied customization and print/label on your wardrobe as the requested terms by the designer.
Attached to this email is a simple contract agreement i will need you to endorse by printing it out, reading and signing on it with your signatures, then email me back with a scan copy for records or a Photo pic of the signed contract letter using your phone camera, then have it emailed to us from your phone. It is of high importance you get back to us with the contract form attached to this email under the next 24hr clock.
P.S : It’s of best interest that you get back to us under the next 24hour clock in order to facilitate the whole process. Thank you for your anticipation.
Fake Casting Example #3:
My name is John W. Wallace Jr, a freelance photographer and casting director for Keitravis Squire Photography. I wish to confirm receipt of your email regarding your interest in the upcoming shoot, Thank you and it would be an honor to work with you.
Bonus: free lunch, models will receive copies of photo shoots via Dropbox or on a 2gb memory stick and all clothes, shoes and other accessories you will be wearing for the shoot will be yours after the shoot.
Time of Event: 10:00 A.M – 3:00 P.M
Nudity: No
No level of experience is required (Free Model Coach available upon request).
NOTE: The total pay for this job is $($/hr for four (4) hours + $for the complete usage right). An advanced deposit/booking fee of $will be mailed upfront to you BEFORE the shoot to ensure your engagement on the upcoming project with us in line with our business ethics and the balance of $ will be paid at the venue as soon as the shoot is completed.
Moreover, YOU WILL NOT ONLY RECEIVE A CERTIFIED PAYCHECK OF $$$$ but also with an ADDITIONAL amount of $$$ that you will use to pay for your wardrobes bills which you will forward to the designer in charge of your Wardrobe after processing the check. The payment for your wardrobe and clothing measurements has to be forwarded to the designer by you, reason being that, the payment for your wardrobe have to be made or billed to your name/info as requested and acceptable business terms by the designer to ensure a tallied customization and label to be printed on your costumes. Please be informed that you are NOT responsible for the funds that you will use to pay for your wardrobe, the funds will be mailed in one payment to you alongside with that of your upfront/booking payment I.e. (your advanced payment $$$ plus extra amount for wardrobe cost and shipping fee all on one check) I hope this is clear?
Name to be written on check/Your Legal name:Residence address:(Not Po. Box)Apartment number if any:City/state/zip code:Direct mobile phone number:Your available date:Your escort name if any:Your current occupation:Age:
Do not hesitate to ask any questions if any concerning the details above. I hope to hear from you as soon as possible and we look forward to working with you on this project.
Warmest Regards
Famous Photographer Red Flag:
Here is a great example that shows you how to avoid the fake fashion photographer email.